Atlanta Personal Trainer
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May 2013

Get Active Today! Day 11 is not a day off, it's a day to stay active and have fun! Today is the day we dance! Don’t sleep on dancing. With Zumba and other dance-based work outs, people have reported burning off anywhere from 600-1200 calories. If you need to add a little more to the workout, you can always add 30 minutes of cardio, or any of your favorite exercises from the first two weeks. Go enjoy yourself, get active, and have fun for Day 11!!

It's time to bring sexy back! Day 10 is the #HealthyIsTheNewSexy Bikini Body Work Out.. Bikini Body Workout Part II Let's break it down: + Start with a 5 minute jog/walk warm-up + Perform the following exercises for 60 seconds *Modify - Advanced go for 60 secs or Beginner modify to 30 Seconds if Needed. 1) Single Leg Toe Taps 2) Crawl Down Pushup + Tuck Jump 3) Single Leg Hammie + Step Back Lunge 4) Lateral Jump Burpee 5) Opposite Toe Touch w/ Punch 6) Mountain Twists 7) Side Plank w/ Rotation 8) Vertical Crunch 9) Bent Knee Heel Tap 10) Criss Cross Kick 11)

As I said before, nutrition is so important to you reaching your goals. Today's nutritional challenge is about fresh, NATURAL foods. We will also have a physical challenge and another "Tasty Food Thursday" recipe below, but let's get into this nutrition challenge first. Natural/Whole Foods Only Challenge - You're being challenged to detox by only eating fresh foods. No canned or packaged goods. No wrappers. Absolutely nothing processed!! You will need to cut, cook and clean all of the food you eat today. Starving yourself and not providing your body the proper

Rest/Recover Hello, and Happy Cinco De Mayo! Today’s challenge is to rest.. I want you to rest and allow your muscles time to recover because your muscles need proper time to repair/rebuild themselves post workout. Plan/Prepare Remember, planning and preparation is key. Allow yourself time to think, plan, and shop for the upcoming week's meals. Enjoy your day!

Get Active Today! Day 5 is not a day off, it's a day to stay active and have fun! Whether you go: Skating Bowling Bike riding or Hiking.. ..grab a friend or two and have a great time while burning some calories. Take photos and share with us what you're doing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (hashtag #30daycc)!!! Go enjoy yourself, get active, and have fun for Day 4!!

Today's workout is a 25 - 35 minute total body blazer! I hope you're ready. Let's go! The Fuel Fit Blazer Challenge Video (Must Watch): Warm Up: Start with a 5 minute jog, then Perform The Following Round of Exercises.. Beginners: Correctly perform as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes (w/o sacrificing form) Intermediate & Advanced: Correctly perform as many rounds as you can in 30 minutes (w/o sacrificing form) If you feel today's workout is to challenging, we have a modified workout at the bottom of the page. 1) 25 Prisoner Squats 2) 10

Part 1 | Small Meals Challenge: The nutrition portion will be the hardest part for some of you because it requires you to change your eating habits. However, you must understand your diet and these nutritional challenges are as important as the physical challenges. About 70% of people looking to live healthy lifestyles or change their physical appearance struggle with the nutrition aspect! Instructions for Your Nutrition Challenge: Eat: 5-6 small, snack-sized clean meals throughout the day Drink: Only water (SmartWater), green tea, or coffee (black) As some of you know, I don’t like diets, I