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Atlanta Personal Trainer | Ray Grayson

Day 20 – Power 1000 + 2 Minute Abs #30DayCC

Your Day 20 Challenge is going to test your toughness. This Power 1000 Challenge will allow you to gauge how far you’ve come, time to work!!

The Power 1000 Workout (Must Watch):

1) Jumping Jacks

2) Jumping Jack Squats

3) Quick Hops

4) High-Knees

5) Opposite-Toe Taps

6) Hand-Taps

7) Knee Tucks

8&#41 Alternating Hand Reach

9) Mountain Twist

10) Front Kicks (Modify to a standing kick if you can’t do the regular exercise)

Part 1 is done. Now let’s get these abs tight, let’s go!!

We’re moving right into the 2-Minute Ab Workout. It’s only 2 Minutes..

2-Minute Abs

1st Round.. 5 Exercises.. 25 Reps..
For Round 2 do 20 Reps for each exercise..

1) Crunches

2) Rocky Balboas

3) Toe Touches

4) Vertical Sit-Ups

5) Core Twists (aka Muffin Tops)

That’s Round 1.. You’re Almost done!! Rest 30 Seconds then Finish Strong!

For Round 2 do 20 Reps for each exercise..

That was tough, good job today if You finished!!

Do some stretching, cool down, and rehydrate..