Atlanta Personal Trainer
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Atlanta, GA 30318-4380 By Appointment Only
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Atlanta Personal Trainer | Ray Grayson

Workout Wednesday 3.19.14

The warm weather is quickly approaching and you know what that means…. #SummerIsComing… time to “Shut Up and Train” accordingly! Today’s total body blast is a great kickstart or compliment to any workout routine.

#WorkoutWednesday – BEACH BODY WORKOUT

+ Start with a 5 minute jog/walk warm-up

+ Perform the following exercises for 60 seconds
+ Perform a second round of the above exercises for 45 seconds
*Modify – Advanced go for 60 secs or Beginner modify to 30 Seconds if Needed.

1) Single Leg Toe Taps

2) Crawl Down Pushup + Tuck Jump

3) Single Leg Hammie + Step Back Lunge

4) Lateral Jump Burpee

5) Opposite Toe Touch w/ Punch

6) Mountain Twists

7) Side Plank w/ Rotation

8) Vertical Crunch

9) Bent Knee Heel Tap

10) Criss Cross Kick

11) Straight Arm Tuck Crunch

If you did this workout, then remember to select your 2nd Exercise and get to work.. Finish Strong!!

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The summer will be here before you know it, keep up the good work!