Atlanta Personal Trainer
770-744-5228 500 Bishop Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318-4380 By Appointment Only
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Atlanta Personal Trainer | Ray Grayson

Lean Mean 2013

Lean Mean 2013 Workout

Begin your workout with a 10-Minute Warmup jog.

Do 2-3 Rounds and Push yourself!! (modify your workout if needed..)

1) Squat High-Knees (20)

2) Crawl Down Pushup, into a Powerjack (13)

3) 3) Superman (20)

4) Bird Dog Rotate (13 per side)

5) Dumbbell Get-Ups (20 total, 10 per side)

6) Dumbbell Toe Tap, with a Power T (13 per side)

Ok start from #1, we’re doing 2-3 Rounds and Push yourself!! (modify your workout if needed..)