Atlanta Personal Trainer
770-744-5228 500 Bishop Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318-4380 By Appointment Only
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May 2014

Saturday Mixup :: The Extreme Cardio Workout Beginner: Perform 2 sets of 10 reps of 6 of the exercises of your choice. Intermediate: Perform as many reps as you can of all exercises for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Advanced: (Note: This is NOT for everyone!) Perform as many reps as you can of all exercises for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. 1) High Knees 2) Jack Squats 3) Tuck Jumps 4) Mountain Twists 5) Power Jacks 6) Leap Frogs 7) Reverse Burpee Crawls (aka Back that Azz Up) 8 ) Monkey Jumps Cool down and rehydrate.