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MEDICINE BALL BLAST 2 Beginner - Do 8 reps of each exercise + 8 High Knees immediately after each exercise.Do 2 rounds. Regular - Do 15 reps of each exercise + 15 High Knees immediately after each exercise.Do 2-3 rounds. Advanced - Do 20 reps of each exercise + 20 High Knees immediately after each exercise.Do 3 rounds. *Start with a 5-Minute Warm-up. You can jog, run, jump rope or do some other form of cardio.* 1) Medicine Ball Burpees Do your High-Knees 2) Medicine Ball Roll Push-ups Do your High-Knees 3) Ball

Saturday Mixup :: The Extreme Cardio Workout Beginner: Perform 2 sets of 10 reps of 6 of the exercises of your choice. Intermediate: Perform as many reps as you can of all exercises for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Advanced: (Note: This is NOT for everyone!) Perform as many reps as you can of all exercises for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. 1) High Knees 2) Jack Squats 3) Tuck Jumps 4) Mountain Twists 5) Power Jacks 6) Leap Frogs 7) Reverse Burpee Crawls (aka Back that Azz Up) 8 ) Monkey Jumps Cool down and rehydrate.

The Dumbbell Demolition Total Body Workout consists of the following exercises: Advanced level - Work for 60 seconds & rest for 30 seconds Regular level - Work for 45 seconds & rest for 45 seconds Beginner level - Work for 30 seconds & rest for 60 seconds *Tip: Weights for dumbbells will vary depending on the exercise. If you're not able to keep good form, lower the weight and/or rest and then continue. 1. Travel Burpee Press - Keep eyes up, extend

This new workout consists of finding a park or going out in the yard. Also, you can get a group of friends or family or just do it solo. Some of the exercises can be challenging. If you feel you can't complete ALL of the exercises, attempts the ones you can tackle. As always, if you're a very beginner, you can do 30min of cardio. We just want you to be active! · 8 Min Warmup Jog · 25 x High Knees (each Leg) · 15 x Lunge twist (each leg) · 15-25 Lateral

This is the Extreme Lean Cardio Workout Video. The workout breakdown and details are below… The Extreme Cardio workout consists of: Beginner - Perform 2 sets of 10 reps of 6 of the exercises of your choice. Regular - Perform as many reps as you can of all exercises for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Extreme Advanced - (Note: This is NOT for everyone!) Perform as many reps as you can of all exercises for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. Exercises - 1) High Knees 2)

This is the Medicine Ball Workout Part 2 Video. The workout breakdown and details are below… The Medicine Ball Workout - Part 2: *Beginner - Do 8 reps of each exercise with 8 High Knees immediately after each exercise. Complete 2 sets. *Regular - Do 15 reps of each exercise with 15 High Knees immediately after each exercise. Complete 2 sets. *Advanced - Do 20 reps of each exercise with 20 High-Knees immediately following each exercise. Complete 2 sets. *Start with a 5 Min Warmup. (jog, run, jump rope, or some other