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Author: mrshutupandtrain

About 70% of people looking to live healthy lifestyles or change their physical appearance struggle with the nutrition aspect! Part 1 | 5 Small Meals Eat: 5-6 small, snack-sized clean meals throughout the day Drink: Only water (SmartWater), green tea, or coffee (black) Below is a sample of one of my daily Mr. Shut Up and Train meal plans.. 5 Small Meals: 1. Breakfast: Oatmeal and Egg whites (start your day with a complex carb and a lean protein source) 2. Snack: Greek Yogurt w/ Flax 3. Lunch: Grilled Chicken Pita with a Side Salad 4. Snack: Protein

Your Day 20 Challenge is going to test your toughness. This Power 1000 Challenge will allow you to gauge how far you've come, time to work!! The Power 1000 Workout (Must Watch): 1) Jumping Jacks 2) Jumping Jack Squats 3) Quick Hops 4) High-Knees 5) Opposite-Toe Taps 6) Hand-Taps 7) Knee Tucks 8&#41 Alternating Hand Reach 9) Mountain Twist 10) Front Kicks (Modify to a standing kick if you can't do the regular exercise) Part 1 is done. Now let's get these abs tight, let's go!! We're moving right into the 2-Minute Ab Workout. It's only 2 Minutes.. 2-Minute Abs 1st Round.. 5 Exercises.. 25

Get Active Today! This is not at all a day off, it's another day to stay active but today you should have fun outside of the gym! Today, I want you to have some fun going out of your comfort zone, and into something new. Enjoy a nice run on a trail, pop in a kickboxing or Pilates class, pull out the yoga mat or even go for a swim. I only have two (2) requirements for today's activity: You should do something you have never done or that you don't do very

Medicine Ball Blast Workout Part 2 Beginner - Do 8 reps of each exercise. Do 8 High Knees immediately after each exercise. Regular - Do 15 reps of each exercise. Do 15 High Knees immediately after each exercise. Advanced - Do 20 reps of each exercise. Do 20 High-Knees immediately following each exercise. *Start with a 5-Minute Warm-up. You can jog, run, jump rope or do some other form of cardio.* 1) Medicine Ball Burpees Do your High-Knees 2) Medicine Ball Roll Push-ups Do your High-Knees 3) Ball Slams Do your High-Knees 4) Bent Knee Heel

At this point, you should be seeing results and getting used to eating right and working out. Time to combine the two and put your discipline to the test! Today's nutritional challenge is about fresh, NATURAL foods. We also have a physical challenge and another "Tasty Food Thursday" recipe below.. Natural/Whole Foods Only Nutrition Challenge - You're being challenged to detox by only eating fresh foods. No canned or packaged goods. No wrappers. Absolutely nothing processed!! You will need to cut, cook and clean all of the food you eat today. **No canned

About 70% of people looking to live healthy lifestyles or change their physical appearance struggle with the nutrition aspect! Part 1 | Small Meals Challenge: Nutrition is probably what's keeping you from reaching your goals, so today we have another nutrition challenge (we also have a physical challenge). Instructions for Your Nutrition Challenge: Eat: 5-6 small, snack-sized clean meals throughout the day Drink: Only water (SmartWater), green tea, or coffee (black) As some of you know, I don’t like diets, I like healthy lifestyle changes! I truly believe everything in moderation is OK, and I live

Challenge #1 - Medicine Ball Blast So start with a 5-Minute warm up. You can jog, run, jump rope or do some other form of cardio. Choose Your Reps/Sets According To Fitness Level: Beginner: Work for 30 seconds & rest 60 seconds. Complete 2 sets and do 10 Jumping Jacks immediately following each exercise. Intermediate: Work for 45 seconds & rest for 30 seconds. Complete 2-3 sets and do 6 Power Jacks immediately following each exercise. Advanced: Work for 60 seconds & rest 30 seconds. Complete 3 sets and do 8 Power Jacks

Rest/Recover Hello, and Happy Mother's Day to you and Yours! Today’s challenge is to rest.. I want you to rest and allow your muscles time to recover because your muscles need proper time to repair/rebuild themselves post workout. Plan/Prepare Remember, planning and preparation is key. Allow yourself time to think, plan, and shop for the upcoming week's meals. Enjoy your day of rest!