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Atlanta Personal Trainer | Ray Grayson

Day 9 – Natural Foods + Hourly Squat Challenge #30DayCC

As I said before, nutrition is so important to you reaching your goals. Today’s nutritional challenge is about fresh, NATURAL foods. We will also have a physical challenge and another “Tasty Food Thursday” recipe below, but let’s get into this nutrition challenge first.

Natural/Whole Foods Only Challenge –

You’re being challenged to detox by only eating fresh foods. No canned or packaged goods. No wrappers. Absolutely nothing processed!! You will need to cut, cook and clean all of the food you eat today.

Starving yourself and not providing your body the proper nutrients is going to kill your long term results. I said eat clean, not don’t eat! REMEMBER..

**No canned or packaged goods. No wrappers. Absolutely nothing processed today

The Hourly Squat Challenge –

Now let’s finish today’s challenge up with a physical component, the Hourly Squat Challenge!!

Each hour while you’re awake, you’ll do the number of squats listed below. Yes, at work, while your brushing your teeth, at the club, or wherever you are, get it done!!!

  • Beginners: 10 each hour
  • Intermediate: 20 each hour
  • Advanced: 30 each hour

Check out this guy, now this is perfect squat form!

Have a friend take a photo of your perfect squat form, and post it to Facebook,Instagram,Twitter with #30DayCC or #ShutupandTrain!!

Remember to drink plenty of fluids and rehydrate your body…

“Tasty Food Thursday”

Thanks to Gillian, our recipe contributor, for providing another one of her healthier meal recipes that you can use for today or add to your cook book.

Roasted Salmon with Cherry Tomatoes and Basil

*Tip – Herbs and citrus are a great way to add flavor to any recipe. Don’t forget to use the whole citrus – lemon zest, lemon juice and even lemon slices can add a lot of flavor without adding extra calories.


1 salmon fillet (4-6 oz)

6 basil leaves

zest of 1/2 lemon

juice of 1/2 lemon

5 cherry or grape tomatoes

1 scallion, sliced

black pepper

salt (if you must)

*broccoli florets or broccolini for optional side dish

Preheat the oven or toaster oven to 450 degrees.

Cut a 12-inch square piece of foil. Place 4 basil leaves in the center of the foil and place the salmon fillet on top (skin side down if it has skin on it.) Drizzle 1 teaspoon of olive oil over the fish and season the fillet with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Zest ½ lemon over the fillet. Top with 2 basil leaves, 5 cherry or grape tomatoes and (optional) some sliced scallions. Squeeze ½ of the lemon over the ingredients, seal and put the foil packet on a baking sheet. Cook for 10 minutes or until the fish is cooked in the center and easily flaking apart.

For a vegetable side dish, take the remaining half of a lemon and slice it into very thin rounds. Put a large handful of broccoli florets or broccolini into a bowl with the lemon slices. Toss with a small amount of olive oil and a pinch of black pepper. Place the ingredients on a foil-lined baking sheet and roast in the same 450 degree oven until the broccoli and lemon slices are just barely crispy on the edges.

*This will take longer to cook than the salmon so depending on how crispy you like your broccoli you may want to start cooking this while you are preparing your salmon.

Today’s contributor was Gillian Ferguson, and she’s the producer of Good Food on KCRW. Gillian also writes about food and recipes on her personal blog I Have A Lemon Tree.”

Don’t forget to share your squat images on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter… #30DayCC or #ShutupandTrain and have a great rest of the day!!