Atlanta Personal Trainer
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Atlanta Personal Trainer | Ray Grayson

Day 10 – Bikini Body Workout Part II #30DayCC

It’s time to bring sexy back! Day 10 is the #HealthyIsTheNewSexy Bikini Body Work Out..

Bikini Body Workout Part II

Let’s break it down:

+ Start with a 5 minute jog/walk warm-up
+ Perform the following exercises for 60 seconds

*Modify – Advanced go for 60 secs or Beginner modify to 30 Seconds if Needed.

1) Single Leg Toe Taps

2) Crawl Down Pushup + Tuck Jump

3) Single Leg Hammie + Step Back Lunge

4) Lateral Jump Burpee

5) Opposite Toe Touch w/ Punch

6) Mountain Twists

7) Side Plank w/ Rotation

8) Vertical Crunch

9) Bent Knee Heel Tap

10) Criss Cross Kick

11) Straight Arm Tuck Crunch

Killed the 1st Set? Remember Pool & Beach season is around the corner!

+ Perform a 2nd round of the above exercises for 45 seconds #ShutUpandTrain

Good job today!!

Be sure to do some stretching, cool down, and rehydrate..