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Atlanta Personal Trainer | Ray Grayson

Workout Wednesday: Dumbbell Demolition

The Dumbbell Demolition Workout is going to challenge your body. Fight through the pain, you’ll love yourself for it later.. Shut Up and Train!

Let’s break the workout down…

Dumbbell Demolition Workout (Must Watch):

Dumbbell Demolition Workout from MrShutUpandTrain on Vimeo.

Advanced: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds & rest for 30 seconds
Intermediate: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds & rest for 45 seconds
Beginner: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds & rest for 60 seconds

*Tip: Weights for dumbbells will vary depending on the exercise. If you’re not able to keep good form, lower the weight and/or rest and then continue.


1) Travel Burpee Press (Keep eyes up, extend foot flat & even with hand and engage core throughout this exercise)

2) Speed Skaters aka Azz Meats

3) T-Push-ups

4) RDL/Upright Rows (Keep shoulders back, feet shoulder width apart and dumbbells close to body on upright row)

5) Renegade Rows

6) Plank Kickbacks

7) Chest Fly/Heel Taps

8. Dumbbell Jump Squats

9) Tornado Jump Lunges

10) Core Twist Presses aka Pocket/Shoulders

That was tough, but great job. You finished!!

Be sure to do some stretching and cool down.. Don’t forget to share this and show what you’ve been doing!