Atlanta Personal Trainer
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Atlanta Personal Trainer | Ray Grayson

Medicine Ball Blast Workout

This is the Medicine Ball Blast Workout Video. The workout breakdown and details are below…

Medicine Ball Blast Workout Breakdown

Beginner – Work for 30 seconds & rest 60 seconds.
Complete 2 sets and do 10 Jumping Jacks immediately following each exercise.

Regular – Work for 45 seconds & rest for 30 seconds.
Complete 2-3 sets and do 6 Power Jacks immediately following each exercise.

Advanced – Work for 60 seconds & rest 30 seconds.
Complete 3 sets and do 8 Power Jacks immediately following each exercise.

*Start with a 5-Minute Warm-up – You can jog, run, jump rope or do some other form of cardio.

1. Medicine Ball Lunge w/ Rotation

Following the exercise you will rest, then do the jumping jacks or ‘power jacks’ and rest again.

2. Monkey Jumps

Following the exercise you will rest, then do the jumping jacks or ‘power jacks’ and rest again.

3. Ball Squats

Following the exercise you will rest, then do the jumping jacks or ‘power jacks’ and rest again.

4. Mountain Climbers

Following the exercise you will rest, then do the jumping jacks or ‘power jacks’ and rest again.

5. Single Leg Med Ball Hops

Following the exercise you will rest, then do the jumping jacks or ‘power jacks’ and rest again.